We are still waiting. Don't know if I can describe the waiting process as "waiting patiently" (besides, adverbs are baaad). My cell phone follows me everywhere, and I think John's has become permanently attached to the side of his head! Uh, his is ringing right NOW...but it's not Kyle. It's one of his dude friends.
Waiting for the call is hard. Making plans are out of the question. Tomorrow is our 8th anniversary and we will stay in Denver. In years past we ventured out to secluded B&B's in the mountains. Ruth's Chris Steakhouse or Il Frenio? Hmmm. Steak or Italian? One-holed nipples or two? Pampers or Huggies? The decisions are going to be my undoing!
Thursday evening I came down with some weird stomach thing, and instead of resting, I kept praying, "Not now, please don't let the baby come right now!" My condition was such that my enterance into the OB area would have been doubtful, plus there are practically NO toilets between here and where the baby will be born. It's a long drive.
Yesterday my mom was deciding whether or not to hate me for living in Colorado (see that post below a few posts). She read about the 79 degree days from a snowy, cold, Pennsylvania. I think her comment after asking me about the weather was "Don't hate me b/c I live in PA." It's been snowing here for the past three days.
Ever wonder what the inside of a cat nostril looks like? Me too. One day I intend to find out with my camera once I get some macro lense attachments to screw onto my 28-80mm lens.
Enough with the random and maybe even boring thoughts today. I'll just blame it on my perpetual headache.
Oh, and PLEASE feel free to leave comments. We could have some converstaions! Is anybody reading this? You don't have to sign up for anything or remember your 386th password... just click on the "comment" link at the bottom of the post and say something. I feel like I'm talking to myself...probably am. No wonder the doc wants me to see a neurologist.
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