Brandilyn took an hour and a half of her time to sit, drink coffee and chat with me. She was interested in who I was, in Kyle (she agrees, he's one cute baby!), and my aspirations to write. She encouraged me to focus on what I am getting done, as opposed to what I'm NOT getting done. Too often I find myself gritching over the fact another two months have gone by since I've last touched my manuscript. Or that I have yet to come up with some really cool story to querry to some paying publication. BC told me that's okay. I'm a new mommy and babies should be my focus. In the mean time I'm to read, read, read and learn from my reading.
Brandilyn has a really cool blog www.forensicsandfaith.blogspot.com you should click on over and check it out! I also encourage you to make a beeline for you local bookstore and snag her books. I promise you will like them!
In the meantime, I will take care of Kyle, read, blog, and maybe get some writing done.
Hey! How cool is that? You must have been so excited. Did you see she has an interesting new blog that is run by one of the characters from her book. I thought that was a really interesting idea.
I did see that - her Scenes & Beans blog. She gave me an advanced reader copy of VIOLET DAWN last night - the Kanner Lake series the blog highlights. The book isn't out yet, but the buzz and anticipation are growing! BC is a wonderful lady, and it was a blessing to spend time with her!
That is awesome!!!
Congrats! The only famous person I have met is Richard Simmons... YUK
I am a new blogging chick too and came to check out your blog and am thoroughly enjoying it. I need to go get a BC book (when I get some $), I haven't read any of them!
BTW, your writing rocks....keep hanging in there!
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