The one and only thing I really hate about coaching colorguard is saying "goodbye" to my seniors. They always make me cry and I miss them terribly. You'd think that after seven years, I'd be used to it by now. Frankly it gets harder and harder!
The class of 2007 is by far, the toughest class to let go. Amber, Angel, Shannon, Tess, Ambrosia and Rhonda dug themselves so deep into my heart, I feel as if part of me is being torn away.
I have to share with you all what they did to me... it fits perfectly with this blog!
That stuff in the pan... it may look like a litterbox, but it's a cake (a darned good one I might add - I ate a piece after snapping a picture). When I first put it on the table, Chloe jumped up and began sniffing. When she smelled chocolate as opposed to... um... you're smart enough to figure it out... she hopped down to the floor.
Oh, and the litterbox is not cat - it's monkey! Sock monkey. I have a sock monkey named Zippy. He tags along with me to rehearsals. His soul purpose in life is to remind my guard members to stand tall, keep their centers and not flop around like sock monkeys!
My seniors thought it would be funny to give me Zippy's litterbox. do monkeys use litterboxes? I'll have to ask the keepers at the Denver Zoo.
So, you goons, if you're reading this! I LOVE you! I'm gonna miss you terribly. I'm proud of all you accomplished and am proud of where you're headed.
And Ambrosia...
I see your...
That is such a sweet note they sent you! And I really, really, want a piece of that cake.
It was pretty good!
You want me to bring a moldy piece to you in June?
A moldy piece of caramel maybe!
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