The actual process for starting a blog seems quite easy. Fill this in, click this button. My blog birthing progressed easily until I had to come up with a name! I couldn't choose just any name. My blog would become some sort of all-encompasing cyber identity I'd be stuck with forever. Boring won't do. I'm not a boring person. I also didn't want my title to limit the scope of my musings.
Right now it's a balmy 10 degrees in Denver and I sit at my computer huddled in a blanket fighting the urge to turn up the heat. The utility companies have decided heat is for the wealthy...hmmm. Anyway, I'm in my blanket, the dog is laying atop a heating vent in the kitchen and the cats are entwined in the chair. Cats. Litter box. Life.
At an early age I learned life ain't fair. As I got older, expectation after expectation was crushed leading me to one conclusion. Life sucks and it won't be getting better. No matter who you are, or where you live, life throws all kinds of turds at you, hence the litter box.
Several years ago in the midst of one of the deepest poo piles, I sank to the bottom in a deep, dark depression. Prozac helps, but it alone could not sustain me or protect me from the ill effects of flying butt logs.
Many argue that Christians aren't supposed to be depressed. Can't imagine what Bible they're reading. Depression is a part of the human condition. It happens. For the sake of wrapping up, I want to address the first word in my blog title: Joy. Yes the world is a litter box. Sometimes the turds block out all the light, but the light is still there! The light is found in Joy. Joy is the Risen Christ. I'll talk a little bit about that in my next post. In the meantime, if you haven't seen Mel Gibson's "Passion", rent it - the original version. When you reach the final scene where the stone is rolled away, open your heart, allow the Truth to flood your soul and I promise you'll find Joy in the Litter Box!
Love the blog title, and the blog look, and of course the first blog post! Looking forward to all that comes!
Nicely done in true Darcie fashion! Welcome to cyberspace - hmm..., does that make this a "virtual litterbox"? ;-)
Jennie :-)
I just found your blog and want to say thank you ! What an enjoyable time looking through so many sites. It is really nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work !
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