Listen up! Victory Pig Pizza, in Wyoming, PA is considering a program to ship frozen pizza throughout the US.
Wanna know why?
Because of your comments on this blog.
My Dad printed out my original post on Pig Pizza and gave it to Richard Ceccoli, the owner. He was overwhelmed by the impact an ooey, gooey, rectangular piece of pizza heaven has on former NEPA residents.
Here's his reply to "Pig Pizza Perfection!":
Thank You, every one, for your comments on our pizza. Our family tries very hard to keep the quality of our pizza up to it's reputation. My mom and dad at 83 years old still work in our 110 degree kitchen to insure the quality of our pizza and BBQ sandwiches . Ever night our pizza is made fresh and what is not sold, which is very rare, is given away to or employees or thrown away.I am thinking of starting a nation wide V.P. Pizza delivery business . The pizza would be made fresh and then shipped . V.P. fans what do you think ? Rich C. Owner And Proprietor of Victory Pig Pizza Inc.
"Pig" fans, what do you think? I say BRING IT ON!
I live in a constant state of withdrawal here in Colorado between visits to The Valley and Victory Pig.
Let's convince Richard to feed our addiction.
How cool is that? See? You really can change the world! Even if it's just the pizza world, but isn't that the most important one?
I've never had it, but because of your posts on it, if they start this delivery biz, I may just order some.
That looks and sounds really delicious, especially right now when I am hungry.
BTW - I linked you. :)
The reason I googled Victory Pig was to find out if you shipped your pizza- PLEASE do it. I am 35 years old and the last time I was up in Wilkes-Barre and had your pizza I was 22. I still crave your pizza to this day. You would have a loyal shipping customer in me.
I have been trying to get this pizza for years. I was born in Wilkes-Barre and my parents were loyal customers of Victory Pig. I recently went back for a family function and was dissapointed that they were closed. (only open 3 days a week I think?) I would buy repeatedly every month for the stuff.....sign me up.....please!!!
YES! My father used to deliver Bartels beer to the original Mr. Ceccoli and his wife who owned the place in the 1960's. I grew up standing at that bar on a Friday or Saturday night waiting to take a huge box of that delicious stuff home and gobble it down till we would all be ready to explode! Often my dad was offered the pizza for free he was that close to the owners. However, he'd alwasy stuff a few bucks into Mr. Ceccoli's shirt pocket before leaving. What great memories. YES!!! I want some now!!!!!!
I want some. I will order some to be shipped to me in California. Add Jone's potatoe pancakes from harvey's lake and I will be in heaven
I'd LOVE to get some in Cali. I'm from Luzerne, Pa. And I miss the Pig so so much. I wish I could buy the receipe as part of a aregeement or buisness out here in Ca. Would make so so so much money.
Hi Rich... Just a comment from an old baseball rival that put an end to the Kingston 9/Fort-Swoyer 6 game many,many years ago. Leo's first pitch in relief over the left field fence and railroad cars. I believe you were the catcher at the time. Anyway, ship it! Living in Vegas is hell without Pig Pizza, and if you need a West coast distributor or assembly plant, contact me. Seriously, have the contacts and funds.
I haven't had Victory Pig Pizza since I lived there 25 years ago and STILL think about how good that pizza was.
The owner missed out on a money making business by not franchising, but I look forward to the day when frozen Victory Pig pizza slices are delivered to my door.
I live on Cape Cod, In Mass. Every time relatives visit, they must come with pig pizza . They also send it to us. It is just inbred to us NE Paer's.!!! What can I say. I grew up in Mt. Top. and always looked forwarded to having the pig. Of course, frozen is not as good as fresh but we all have to make concessions.
Julie S.
I love VP pizza! My grandparents lived in Exeter and we would get VP when we went to visit! My daughter and I are coming up June 21st and I told my Dad we want VP and my daughter wants a shirt (if they have one). Best pizza ever!
I love Victory pig pizza. Former West Pittston resident now living in Oregon.Its the first place we go when visiting. I would love if we could have it sent.
Hi! I was born in Wilkes-Barre in the early 60's. We moved to Ohio when I was very young, but would visit relatives several times a year. One of the first places we HAD to visit was Victory Pig! It was just a tradition not to be broken! I still live in Ohio and haven't had any VP pizza in many years, and I STILL crave it and STILL wish for that unbelievable, out-of-this world taste. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...send me some pizza!! I will buy a lot! I'll get the whole town hooked! Please ship your pizza!! I have a lot of special memories going there and eating too many slices with chocolate milk. I'll be a fan forever, Jane
OMG, that would be great! I was born and raised in W-B, but live in SC now for the past 18 yrs. Nothing like good ole home pizza. Nothing like that here. I'd be a valuable customer should y'all start shipping. Will be checkin in occasionaly to see how this goes. Yummy Victory Pig!
Hey Rich- DO IT!!!!!
Was in the same WVW HS class as your sister Donna. I always pick up some when in the area but all too infrequent. My wife, who is not a Valley native, got addicted to it on a visit long ago.
She says she will have sex with me again if you ship to Texas. Our best to you and the Family.
Jon May- Dallas, TX
Formerly Kingston
^^ Dude, Jon - that's just creepy. Why you felt the need to post something like that I've no idea.
Richard, I have lived in Los Angeles for 35 years now & everytime I visit my native W-B, Pa. I bring back at least 100 pieces in my carry-on. I have spoken to you about franchising years ago,but nothing ever came about. Yes,shipping frozen pizza sounds great if it can be done at a reasonable price. I love Victory Pig Pizza. Carol
I grew up on VP...if you can ship it to Las Vegas, I would be the happiest woman in the state.
I hope the only place your shipping that shit to is the dumpster out back. Your pizza should be named "Heart Attack in a box", I wouldn't feed that shit to my dog. I took liberty in preparing a list of what you can do with some of that money you were planning on investing:
1. Tear down that dump and start over.
2. Get some chairs and tables that are newer than 1923.
3. Invest in a camera system so curbside guests don't have blow the horn and flash the lights.
4. Hire a friendlier staff, and get rid of that smart ass Robby kid.
5. Invest in some pest control measures.
6. Stop claiming the recipe is your own. We know you copied a local pizzeria and just added more grease.
Thank you! I grew up eating Victory Pig pizza. It was THE place to go after football games. I live in the DC area and rarely get back up to Wyoming. I crave this pizza almost daily, and have even tried to replicate it (no luck.) If the Victory Pig family does decide to start a mail order service, I will most definitely be a regular customer!
Yeah, it's been around a long time and I worked there also. When the original owners had it, Louie & Lee Ceccoli, the pizza was top quality. They only used the best ingredients and were very fussy about how it came out. If it wasn't right, the customer didn't get it. Then their son took over, Bob Ceccoli, and started buying cheaper ingredients. It worked but just wasn't the same. Now the original owners grandson has it, Rich Ceccoli, and the whole process is changed; totally. Different ovens, different method of baking. I guess the reason is they cant find anyone who is actually remembers how to bake it or wants to learn to bake it. Maybe some people cant taste or see the difference, but working there and knowing how it used to be, I actually think this newer product is "bottom of the barrel" as Lee Ceccoli would of said if she was still alive. When Lee and Louie passed on, they took the quality with them.
Recently my sister and her daughter visited Wyoming Pa and had Victory Pig pizza they live in Baltimore and I live in Mich and I am so hungry for it i could smell it. Please start a mail order for your pizza cause i never get back to Pa any more i'm too old
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